Why You Deserve to Enjoy Valentine’s Day

February 14, aka Valentine’s Day, can be a really hard day for a lot of people.  I know everyone likes to complain that Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark Holiday, and that it’s a waste of money, and that your partner should show you love every day of the year and not just on Valentine’s Day,…

Yoga Essentials For Beginners

At the beginning of each year, thousands of people (probably more) embark on their New Years resolutions. One of the top New Years resolutions is to lose weight. Another is to become more fit. And with the growing popularity of yoga for fitness, yoga studios have grown to expect a flooded studio for the first…

New Year; Better Me

When I was thinking about this year, it definitely sparked a lot of different emotions for me. Mostly good ones, with a sprinkle of the not-so-good ones. When looking back on a year, it can be easy to only notice the glaring mistakes we made, or things that we wanted to accomplish… but didn’t. This…

How to Start Yoga

As a yoga teacher, I have had so many people (including close friends and family!!) say the following sentences to me: I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible! How do I get into yoga?   The first statement is probably one of the most frequent sentences in my everyday life (and it kind of drives me…